“Hyper-Active” or "High-Energy" Toddlers
Jul 02, 2022
When toddlers act overly “hyper” (I really don’t like that word because it sounds very label-ish), they’re as always, showing us something with that behavior. Babies, toddlers and kids by nature are actually not supposed to be “hyper” (gasp!) and it makes much better sense when we use the word ‘over-stimulated’ or ‘anxious’ because it immediately tells us WHY or that there IS a why.
When your child is acting this way, ask yourself about your OWN state of mind, heart and body.
Young kids have a highly active sense of emotions. Since their logical brain is not yet very active, it’s their emotional brain that takes over.
Their sense of SENSE- in other words- their sense of feeling YOUR feelings is very strong.
This can quickly turn into a vicious cycle.
They’re a little upset over something, which in turn triggers your anxious emotions, “Oh no! What’s wrong now?” This anxiety is sensed by them and internalized.
You now feel even more helpless. Once again, they sense it. Their amygdala says, “Oh no! This person in charge of me feels very much out of charge! Hit the panic button! Quick!”
And all goes haywire.
This starts a cycle of irritations, frustrations, yelling, screaming and crying. Overtime, this becomes a relationship dynamic. The parent has shown the child that he/she is not “equipped” to deal with the ups and downs of the child, which in turn makes him/her feel anxious, afraid and “hyper” (imagine the panic button going off). So next time you feel that anxiety rising inside you, change your inner voice.
“I am VERY capable of taking care of my child. I’m NOT going to be swept away by her emotions. I’m her STRONG CONFIDENT leader.
I’m going to calmly acknowledge her emotions, see how I can help her, and if I can’t, we will sit in her feelings until she’s ready to move on... I got this!” As your inner voice begins to change, so will your feelings.
Your child will sense it. He/she will also begin to feel your calm strength.
“My parent is self-assured, they know what they’re doing... we’re ok. I’m ok. I got this.” WE got this!