Victim or survivor
Jul 29, 2022Victim versus Survivor
After you’ve survived victimhood, you become a survivor.
That’s why it’s impossible to be both at the same time.
True survivors usually don’t call themselves victims.
Why, you ask?
Because it doesn’t serve us. A huge part of being a survivor is letting go of that which doesn’t serve. Or learning to let go of it.
Here are some more differences:
Victim mentality:
- This is so hard, I can never do it
- I will never be able to do that
- I can’t do this right now because...
- I will do this when...
- I’m miserable but not ready to leave the misery
- Horrible things have happened to me and I’m broken.
- I’ve been through so much... I deserve to be pitied.
- I’m just unlucky
- My life sucks
- Why is everyone mean to me?
- I’ve done so much for others and others just don’t care about me
- No one cares about me
- I do so much for so and so and this is how they thanked me
Survivor Mentality:
- This is hard but it will get easier when I start practicing.
- This feels hard right now but with time it will get easier.
- Right now is not the best time to make big changes but I can start with small changes.
- Even small changes feel scary but I’m not afraid of fear
- I can do hard things even if I fail at first
- Others treated me according to their trauma; I still have to accept responsibility for my own well being
- Others aren’t responsible for my feelings.
- I’ve been through hell and that doesn’t define me.
- I have wounds and I’m not my wounds.
- I AM brave.
- I am awesome.
- I’m a survivor.
See, how that goes?
Where to start?
Say it right now. “I’m a survivor” and after this, never see yourself as a victim again. Victimizing ourselves is more unkind than anything anyone else could have ever done to us. Step one of loving yourself begins right now 💕