Afra's Anokhay Parents' Course

Afra's expertise is in younger children and mothers difficulties. This program will be presented in a mixture of Urdu and English and WhatsApp support is also provided.


Choose your Payment Option to Book a Spot in Afra's Anokhay Parents' Course


What you'll get:


- Starting SeptemberĀ  4, Live meetings every Wednesday for the duration of the course!

- Free What's App support group

- Facebook group support for AP graduates.

Click on the box you prefer.

Pakistani candidates can also use THESE PAYMENT METHODS to pay for the course.

Afra Khuram

NLP Practitioner + Parent Coach

More About Afra...

Afra is an Integrative therapist in training under CPPD Pakistan, and a certified NLP practitioner with a trauma-informed approach. She is a Clinically Certified Trauma Specialist trained by Dr. Robert Rhoton from Arizona Trauma Institute.

Afra aims to provide parents effective tools for them to be able to respectfully parent their children, and re-parent themselves to begin to heal from their own experiences. She strongly believes that as parents, people are trying the best they can for their children with the resources that they have. With ample support and guidance, we all have the innate potential to grow, learn and heal.

Afra supports parents in working with their own triggers and trauma, so they can show up for their children the way that they want to. She believes that the biggest gift a parent can give their children, is their own healing.

Join Afra's Anokhay Parents' Course